Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Twin

Check out this guy in the picture. Who does he think he is? Must be some kind of doppelganger. (Yes, follow the link to know what that word means...)

One of my girlfriends in Taiwan (Hi! I miss you! Come brush me!) sent me this picture because she said it reminded her of me. What do you think? Is it my twin? Do you think he is an evil or good twin?

Weather:'s rainy this weekend. Boooooo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Living on the Cheap

In her reading class today, my human will
talk about the book pictured here.
I'd like to offer it as one of...

Belial's Best Book: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich. This book will tell you THE REAL DEAL about working for minimum wage and scraping by in the States.

The author takes a journey to see what it's like for America's working poor and dooms herself to jobs at places like Walmart and Molly Maid. It's a tough life for many Americans who, although gainfully employed and contributing to society's tax base, still live below the poverty line.

Judging by all the reviews here, this is a sure hit of a non-fiction, real-life exposé (ISBN: 0805088385)

Weather: Not really sure what it's gonna be today.
Sunny? Rainy? Cloudy? Dunno.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

MY Computer

The computer pictured here was bought by my owners. But, really, it's mine. All mine.

This is where I think and think for hours about what to write. Often, though, I just sit close to the machine because it exudes warmth that makes me feel good during winter.

Speaking of seasons, these days I'm waiting for spring. Even though nothing special happens in So Cal during this season, I know it will be warmer than it has been lately.

Do you do anything exciting when spring comes? Some countries have a certain festival; others celebrate special flowers, like in Japan when the cherry blossoms pictured below burst into color.
Weather: It rained last night. I slept right through it!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Laundry Day!

I love laundry day. My human Cindy says she hates it; there are too many clothes to wash.

Why do I love it? When she dumps the clothes fresh from the dryer on the bed, they immediately become a cave of warmth into which I burrow.

My humans get mad because then their clothes become dirty again... what?! I'm an indoor cat, so my fur is dirt-free!

Weather: Wow, after all that rain, it sure is purty around here.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This is all WRONG!

The sound of pouring rain woke me up this morning. I guess my last post was wrong; the weather reports were not a false alarm.

Also, maybe I need to keep working on my English because it seems I misinterpreted the reports. After all, my first language IS cat.

So, I guess today I'm just gonna stay in bed. Or nap on the couch. Or play with some string if I get bored. Woe is me.

Weather: Yeah, it's rainy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A False Alarm?

In my last post, I worried about getting wet in the rain. There has been no rain.
Why do the weather forecasters need to lie and make me so worried?

It's actually been quite beautiful this week. I still wonder if there is a storm lurking somewhere. Ohhhh... "lurk" ...that's a great word. It just might be on the next extra-credit quiz. You should probably look it up.

I would tell you the meaning, but my delicate paws are getting tired from all this typing.

Weather: Hooray for no rain, yet. I hope the weekend is gorgeous.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NOT Again!!

Although February is traditionally a bit more rainy in So Cal, I DON'T WANT ANY MORE RAIN. Last month there was enough. Having too much rain is horrible for many reasons:
  • I can't sit in the sun.
  • I have to hear scary thunder.
  • I might get my luxurious brown fur wet.
  • Did I mention that I can't sit in the sun?!
We'll see how things go today. I hope the sun comes out, even just for a bit, before more rain hits.

Weather: Well, I'm not holding my breath for the sun.