Thursday, December 16, 2010

She Seems Sad...

My female human finished all her classes yesterday, and I can tell she is a little sad. She told me she will miss her students.

In the next two days she'll have ceremonies to say goodbye to them, and I told her not to cry. Here's one of the student's she'll miss:

This student, from Vietnam, was in her reading class this fall semester. My female human LOVES to read, so I know she always likes to teach this class. She'll miss this student, and others, as well.

I'll do my best during winter break to help my human feel happy by sitting on her lap in the next three weeks as she does her favorite!

Weather: Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Writer's Block

Have you ever had an assignment that you just couldn't get started on? How about one that was hard to get ideas for? If you answered yes, then you have suffered writer's block.

Well, that's been me the past few weeks. I haven't been inspired to write...and I don't know why. Usually I have plenty to say about my naps, my humans, my beloved I'm sorry for my long absence.

The holiday season is fast approaching and I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about as my humans shower me with gifts. Of course, YOU know what I want the most: TUNA!!

Weather: Soooo foggy in my 'hood in the mornings these days.
However, it burns off for a bright and sunny day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where is it?

The past few days have really been a downer. Usually, between my naps, I relax in a patch of sun. BUT.
Where is the sun?

Today is quite dreary and drizzly as well; I'm feeling very despondent. How am I supposed to keep my base tan that I worked on all summer?!

Weather: Well, you must have figured it out. Not RAINY rain.
Just a light, annoying enough to get you moist rain.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Cousin

Someday I hope to visit this guy, Tiger, who lives up in Northern California.
He was the beloved cat of my female human's grandfather and became his daughter's pet after he passed away.

Tiger took great care of grandpa, and he takes even better care of auntie. This, you see, makes him my cousin now. I wonder if he likes tuna as much as I do? By look of his haunches, I'd say yes!

Friday, September 17, 2010

They're Leaving!?

First, my humans work all day, leaving me alone. NOW, they're going on a small trip and leaving me at grandma & grandpa's. WHY do they torture me so?

Actually, g & g's house isn't too bad. It's really big, and has two floors. This means I can race up and down the stairs for a cardio workout.

Weather: Just right. Not too boiling...not too freezing. Fall is here!

Monday, September 6, 2010

My New Look

So, remember those cavities I talked about?
I had to have THREE teeth pulled about two weeks ago.

The kitty dentist, in order to put me under, had to shave my leg to insert the IV. I like to think of this as my new look: pretty fashionable, right?

The new hair is growing in nicely, but I still look like I'm missing one sock. Maybe one of them got lost in the laundry...

Weather: Finally things cooled down.
A lovely Labor Day Weekend!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A lovely day

Much like the kitty on the left here, I've spent my whole day sleeping. It's great!

When my humans are home on the weekends, I usually take a nap with them in shifts: the male & female alternate by keeping me company on the bed. I'm so lucky.

When they go to work on the weekdays I get sad because I have to nap all by myself. Do you like to take naps? Maybe you're too busy to spend the day snoozing away...don't you wish you were a cat?!

Weather: We had a horrible hot spell at the beginning of the week.
But, temps are back down to mid 80s. Perfect.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are You Ready?

Hello to all my female human's students out there.
It's the start of a new semester.
Are you ready? Nervous? Excited?

I'm excited to meet you and hope that you'll have fun reading my blog. These days I'm a little sad because my female human has to go back to work. We had a nice summer together hanging out reading and taking naps.

How about you? How was your summer?
Get ready for a busy fall!

Weather: Well, typical for August. Heating up these days.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I guess my pearly whites* aren't so pearly these days. Yesterday I had my teeth cleaned at the kitty dentist, and he told me I have two cavities! I should lay off the chocolate...
* pearly whites = an idiom for teeth

I don't know what's gonna happen, but I heard my female human say something about "removal"; that sounds painful! But, I guess it's better than living with two rotten teeth.

Perhaps I should start learning how to brush my teeth? It might be kind of hard to hold the toothbrush with my paws.

Weather: Still a nice and mild summer.
There hasn't been one day when I asked
my humans to turn on the A/C.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Good Job Developmental 3!

Last week my female human finished her summer semester.
She had some really great students,
and here's a picture of her grammar class.

Don't they look smart?

I hope everyone can enjoy a short break before the fall semester begins. Cindy promised me that for the next two weeks we'll spend lots of *QT together.
*QT = "quality time"...which for Belial means tons of naps.

Weather: Gosh, it really doesn't feel like summer.
It's been pretty mild and not too hot.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Brown Fishie

The last time my Japanese girlfriend visited, she brought me my new favorite toy: my brown fishie. She made it by hand, and stuffed it with a special treat that cats nip!

Oh my, I have had a great deal of fun with this new plaything. In this pic I'm a little tired from playing with it, hence, I am resting on the pillow!

Weather: Actually, temps are quite favorable.
The mercury hasn't risen too high.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kitty Cave

Costco is great. That's where my food and kitty litter come from. Also, they pack stuff in these great big boxes.

I've turned this box into a cave! I can nestle inside and observe from this new hiding place. Have you ever been in a cave?

Weather: Ouch, over 90 degrees every day. That's too hot for me.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to your new home Jun-chan!

Yes, I'm feeling better, but my buddy Jun-chan might not be...this kitty just survived a 13-hour plane flight to...Japan! She must be starving.

It's a long story, but one time when my humans went on vacation, I got to live with Jun-chan for a week. She was very kind to me.

I hope she enjoys her new home in Japan. Maybe someday I will live there, too. Then I can eat the freshest tuna sashimi ever!

Weather: Still not too hot. Feels more like March than July.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm not 元気

I'm sick.
No, really.
It hurts to type right now.

"I'm not 元気" means: "I'm not healthy!"

On Monday I went to the kitty doctor (veterinarian, but my humans just say "vet"). I got my vaccinations for the year, and they have made me sick.

I am having a reaction to this medicine, and I need to get better because I haven't eaten or had any water for two days.
I'm hungry and thirsty.

This morning I have to go back to the vet and get some help.
Please send me your positive thoughts as I try to become more 元気 (or げんき), which you can pronounce: "genki."
I learned this word from my Japanese girlfriends.

Weather: I don't care. I'm sick.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let's Play...

Do you know the game "Hide-and-go-seek"?

I love to play it with my humans. When they get home from work, I run around the house and see if they can find me!

My favorite places to hide are on top the fridge (shown here), and in my male human's closet between his clothes.

I don't think you play anymore; this game is usually for children. Are there any games you loved when you were a child?

Weather: Well, not toooo hot, YET.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aren't You Jealous?

Did you know that cats sleep an average of 16-plus hours every day? I'm demonstrating my sleeping ability in this picture.

As you read this, I'm probably busy sleeping, dreaming of all the fish I'd like to eat.

How much do you sleep? Maybe because you're busy studying English you don't sleep much. I hope you're not too tired!

Weather: Monday was the true beginning of summer.
Yes, it feels like it's here.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I forgot!

Oh no! Two days ago it was Father's Day. I didn't say anything to my male human. I was too busy sleeping. It was hot.

I hope he's not mad. He usually doesn't get mad at me, even when I walk on the dinner table, meow in the middle of the night, or beg for food. He's the best dad ever.

Well, the following pic is the best I can do at this point. A hearty apology to my male human for forgetting this important day!

Weather: Still a bit gloomy and overcast each morning.
Afternoons are hot, though.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet Memories

About two weeks ago, I was lazing about happily w/my female human. We had some good times while she was on vacation. And by good times, I mean good NAP times.

Now that she's back at school, she's gone all day. I really miss her. In the meantime, I just wait and sleep all day on her pillow.

She doesn't like it when she goes to bed at night because she says that my hair gets all over her face. Whaaat? I'm just trying to show some love!

Weather: Wish I could take my "coat" off. It's getting warmer.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nice to Meet You

My female human has her first full week
back at school starting today.
Are you one of her students? Good luck this summer!

I like school, too. I can learn all sorts of interesting things, but my favorite thing to study is fish. More specifically, how to eat fish. What are you going to study this summer?

Weather: Summer is officially here. It was hot this weekend.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Back to School

Today my female human starts her summer session. No more lazy naps. No more petting upon demand. I'll miss her during the day.

The good part is, she's gonna teach writing this summer! I LOVE to help with grading papers. I often stand on them as she's trying to correct and give helpful feedback. My feedback? More prompts about tuna.

Weather: I heard that it's going to heat up this weekend.
Approaching 100 degrees inland?!
Glad I live near the beach!

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Grandparents

Later this morning I'll be shipped off to grandma & grandpa's house as my humans take off for San Diego the next two days.

I like visiting g-ma/g-pa's place because they have stairs I can run up and down for some exercise. Also, they spoil me rotten. I hope they feed me extra tuna!

Weather: Two sun baths already today.
It's a gorgeous Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Are you still reading?

Every morning I accompany my humans as they eat breakfast and read the morning paper. How about you? Do you have a healthy breakfast & feed your mind as well?

Weather: I hope this weekend will be sunny and nice
because my Taiwanese girlfriend is arriving for her visit!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Test Drive

New shirts!
New shirts for my male human!

I must see if they will be comfortable.

Weather: The May Gray has passed,
and it looks to be a beautiful weekend ahead.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it really over?

Wow, I think you're close to being done. I actually helped a lot with your class, wouldn't you agree? In fact, here I am helping with grading your final test:

Then, I really liked the answers for the original most handsome man's test, so I gave him a bite mark...'cause I couldn't hold the pen in my hand to write "Great Job!"

Finally, I got pretty bored of grading papers...

I'd like to offer some advice
for your future success in all your goals.
Best of luck to my favorite readers at ALP.

Eat a good breakfast.

Get plenty of rest.

Take time to enjoy the finer things in life.

Weather: No summer yet.
But, traditionally things heat up
toward the end of May around these parts.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thanks Mom

To all the mothers out there, my female human included, Happy Mother's Day! Although I can't remember my real, biological mom, I'm quite happy with my current caregiver.

She feeds me regularly, brushes me when I want, and always keeps my litter box clean. Really, what more could a cat ask for? Hmm...maybe more tuna?

That's it! I'll be giving her a can of tuna later today so we can share. I know that she loves it as much as I do.

Weather: Still very nice lately.
I don't want summer to come and bother me yet.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My New Pal 猫猫

I'm very excited to have made a new friend: 猫猫 (Meo Meo). He's from Vietnam, I'm pretty sure...and he's owned by one of my human's students.

I hope to meet him someday because
this student says he's very cute and nice.
Don't you think so?

In the picture below, he looks very studious. It seems he's tired after reading the newspaper. What a smart cat. What's the "mews" Meo Meo? Ha ha, just a little cat humor for you.

Weather: Absolutely lovely these days.
But, there are hints of summer as the temps climb.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Later today there will be three lovely ladies from Japan coming to visit me. My humans always have guests, and those guests always spend a lot of time paying attention to me.

They are pals from my female human's old work days in Yokohama. One is an ex-coworker (Junko), and the other two are former students (Junko #2 & Akemi).

I have never met Junko #2, but I hear she's real nice. I can't wait for her to pet me. I hope she's not allergic to cats.

Weather: Wow, a pretty gorgeous day, finally.
Perfect for our guests from across the Pacific.

Friday, April 30, 2010


TO: Humans
FROM: Belial
DATE: 4/30/10
RE: Current feeding schedule

Your current work hours have left me in a quandary:
Who's gonna feed me?

Since both of you leave very early and get home after dark, I'd like to request that we somehow stick with my regular breakfast & dinner times at 6, both a.m./p.m.

I'm hoping we can come to some type of agreement on this issue; lately, your inconsistency in feeding times has interrupted my precisely coordinated nap schedule.

I offer the picture below as evidence:

Seriously, it'd better be full by 6 today. No excuses.
Respectfully yours,

Weather: The strong wind these days rattles my house. It's scary.
I'm gonna go hide under the bed now.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

WHERE are the sheets?

During the day when my humans are gone, I sleep on this bed.
Carefully study this picture, can you find what is wrong?

WHERE'S MY PILLOW? And no sheets?
You gotta be kidding me.

Actually, I found out my Japanese girlfriend, Emi, will be coming to stay tonight. The sheets were removed to wash/prepare for her visit. I guess everything is okay, then, because I know she'll give me lots of attention.

Weather: It was chilly this morning, but plenty of sun now.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

CAT Scan

Have you ever had a CAT scan? Do you know what one is? Perhaps you are all too young to need one. I hope you never do...

But, here I am, doing my own "CAT" scan. I was trying to help my human prepare documents for class.

Weather: Make up your mind Spring!
Are you gonna be blustery, or balmy, or beautiful?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Beauty Sleep

Now that my female human has been home for two weeks, she's finally over jet lag and can sleep through most nights.

I definitely reap the benefits of this as I can cuddle with her under, in, on, and over the covers. Here's my favorite spot: right on the pillow.

I hope you all are sleeping well these days. Final exams and projects must be coming soon; don't overdo it, okay? Be sure to get your beauty sleep.

Weather: I think it's gonna be a great, sunny, balmy weekend.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Neighborhood Watch Cat

Last night, I spent the wee hours in the bedroom window watching another cat in my backyard. There's a few neighborhood cats that from time to time come and visit.

Some of them I like (Stumpy), others I really get annoyed by (Norman). Last night it was Norman, with his little tinkling bell on his collar, who for some reason was prancing around MY yard and making all sorts of noise. The audacity.

"So what?" you might ask...well, I feel a little guilty because my growls and meows kept up my humans. Sorry, humans.

Weather: Lovely these days. BUT! A bit chilly at night.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Burmese, NOT Siamese

One of my human's students asked the other day
if my breed was Siamese.
Close, but no cigar.

Actually, I'm like a "cousin" to this breed; I'm a purebred Burmese. What's the difference? I won't bore you with the details, but we're all part of a larger family of breed called "Orientals" in the cat world. Yes, I antiquated word, but still used to describe: Siamese, Burmese and Tonkinese cats.

Funny thing, before me, my humans DID own a Siamese. His name was Tweak and he had an untimely death due to illness. About one week after he passed away, I joined the family to fill the cat void.
RIP: Tweak

I hope I've been doing a good job... I heard Tweak was a cool cat, although rather skittish because at his previous owners' home, he was attacked by a wild animal and suffered life-threatening injuries. My humans took him in to convalesce, and he led a happy life until it ended.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Finally, She's Home!

You have no idea what a torturous Spring Break I had. My female human was gone all week, so I had to be content with company from only my male human.

He doesn't pay as much attention to me as she does; quite frankly, I was lonely. When she came home, I literally jumped for joy. I promptly woke up from my depressed sleep the minute I heard her voice and welcomed her home with many loud and prolonged meows.

BTW, do you know the cat in this picture?

I'm pretty sure my female human saw many of these during her Spring Break. The Maneki Neko, with its upraised paw, is a symbol of good luck beckoning fortune and wealth. It is often displayed in many Japanese shops.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Seriously...It's Good!

From time to time, my pursuits branch beyond napping, blogging, and eating to even reading.

I take a cue from both my humans who always have their noses buried in a book or magazine if they are not playing video games or surfing the Internet. I NEVER see them watch any TV.

In the interest of support, I'd like to give my stamp (paw?) of approval on the latest book my female human recommended in class the other day.

Belial's Best Book: 1984, by George Orwell. It's a brutal vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world that quashes ANY and ALL individual thought.

Quite a creepy tale, and it will leave you down, but it's a classic cautionary tale of what happens when governments assume TOO much control over citizens. Some say it has already come true. Hunh. Read it for yourself and see if you agree.
(ISBN: 0451524934)

Weather: Such a fine weekend. Lots of sun time in the window.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy New Year

One of my human's coworkers told her she would celebrate the new year this weekend.

Wait, wait, wait.
Isn't that January 1st?

Apparently, not in all cultures. March 21st will mark "Nowruz," and my female human has many students and good friends from this area of the world. She hopes that all the people from this corner of the globe will have a happy celebration this weekend.

Weather: Finally, just right. Not too hot or cold.

This CAN'T be right!

I'm a little bit confused about this picture. I know what the guy (second from the right) is, but WHAT is he doing with those meerkats? I don't even think they share the same habitat.

Surely this photo is doctored. I smell a rat...or meerkat, rather. Yes, click on that last link to learn this idiom.

Weather: Quite nice now that temps have dropped. Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I miss my human

My female human has been too busy lately for my tastes. She comes home late, she leaves the house early.

I'm simply not getting enough time with her these days. I hope this coming weekend we can spend some quality time together.

To all her students reading this: you're least she's spending time with you. Me? I'm just alone all day sleeping on the bed or couch. Woe is me.

Weather: Kinda warm, actually.
These are unseasonably high temps for March.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Peas in a Pod

Shicchan and Junta make quite a cute pair
in this picture, don't you think?

The cat on the left (Shicchan) is owned by my human's best friend from Japan (E). The other cat, Junta, is "on loan" from E's ex-roommate and close friend (S) who had to move back to Japan.

S hopes to come back and get Junta soon! Still, the two kitties have become good friends since S left last November after 10 years living in America. Wanna know something cool? S & E started out in ALP, just like some of my readers.

Although S had to return home for personal reasons, E is now married, permanently living in California, and pursuing a Ph.D. Imagine that. You can achieve your goals while in America. Just think of ALP as your launch pad.

Weather: Hmmm...kind of nice (sunny),
but also kind of cold (windy)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An ALP Success Story

The tallest girl in these pictures used to be an ALP student.

She just graduated from her school in Korea and sent these pictures to prove it. Great job Melody! Cindy and I are very proud of you.

She said she ALREADY has a job. Wow, that's one smart cookie.

Weather: My, my, my. It was, and still is
very windy and chilly today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Up on High

The refrigerator is the best place in the world to survey my surroundings. Also, I love what is sometimes inside: TUNA!

When my female human is in the kitchen, I often climb to the top to supervise. "You should add more salt," or "I think a dash of basil would work" are just some pieces of advice I give to the household chef.

Weather: Clouds on the horizon. Yet more rain?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm NOT paranoid, but...

If you look closely at this picture, you might see something strange. Heeeyyy, what's that guy on the left doing there? I think he's spying on all things cat.

I've blogged before (please read the previous post at this link) how I don't mind dogs, but really, this is ridiculous! Buddy, you'll never be as cool as a cat, so just give up.

Weather: Perhaps, my favorite. SUN!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Twin

Check out this guy in the picture. Who does he think he is? Must be some kind of doppelganger. (Yes, follow the link to know what that word means...)

One of my girlfriends in Taiwan (Hi! I miss you! Come brush me!) sent me this picture because she said it reminded her of me. What do you think? Is it my twin? Do you think he is an evil or good twin?

Weather:'s rainy this weekend. Boooooo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Living on the Cheap

In her reading class today, my human will
talk about the book pictured here.
I'd like to offer it as one of...

Belial's Best Book: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich. This book will tell you THE REAL DEAL about working for minimum wage and scraping by in the States.

The author takes a journey to see what it's like for America's working poor and dooms herself to jobs at places like Walmart and Molly Maid. It's a tough life for many Americans who, although gainfully employed and contributing to society's tax base, still live below the poverty line.

Judging by all the reviews here, this is a sure hit of a non-fiction, real-life exposé (ISBN: 0805088385)

Weather: Not really sure what it's gonna be today.
Sunny? Rainy? Cloudy? Dunno.