Friday, April 30, 2010


TO: Humans
FROM: Belial
DATE: 4/30/10
RE: Current feeding schedule

Your current work hours have left me in a quandary:
Who's gonna feed me?

Since both of you leave very early and get home after dark, I'd like to request that we somehow stick with my regular breakfast & dinner times at 6, both a.m./p.m.

I'm hoping we can come to some type of agreement on this issue; lately, your inconsistency in feeding times has interrupted my precisely coordinated nap schedule.

I offer the picture below as evidence:

Seriously, it'd better be full by 6 today. No excuses.
Respectfully yours,

Weather: The strong wind these days rattles my house. It's scary.
I'm gonna go hide under the bed now.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

WHERE are the sheets?

During the day when my humans are gone, I sleep on this bed.
Carefully study this picture, can you find what is wrong?

WHERE'S MY PILLOW? And no sheets?
You gotta be kidding me.

Actually, I found out my Japanese girlfriend, Emi, will be coming to stay tonight. The sheets were removed to wash/prepare for her visit. I guess everything is okay, then, because I know she'll give me lots of attention.

Weather: It was chilly this morning, but plenty of sun now.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

CAT Scan

Have you ever had a CAT scan? Do you know what one is? Perhaps you are all too young to need one. I hope you never do...

But, here I am, doing my own "CAT" scan. I was trying to help my human prepare documents for class.

Weather: Make up your mind Spring!
Are you gonna be blustery, or balmy, or beautiful?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Beauty Sleep

Now that my female human has been home for two weeks, she's finally over jet lag and can sleep through most nights.

I definitely reap the benefits of this as I can cuddle with her under, in, on, and over the covers. Here's my favorite spot: right on the pillow.

I hope you all are sleeping well these days. Final exams and projects must be coming soon; don't overdo it, okay? Be sure to get your beauty sleep.

Weather: I think it's gonna be a great, sunny, balmy weekend.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Neighborhood Watch Cat

Last night, I spent the wee hours in the bedroom window watching another cat in my backyard. There's a few neighborhood cats that from time to time come and visit.

Some of them I like (Stumpy), others I really get annoyed by (Norman). Last night it was Norman, with his little tinkling bell on his collar, who for some reason was prancing around MY yard and making all sorts of noise. The audacity.

"So what?" you might ask...well, I feel a little guilty because my growls and meows kept up my humans. Sorry, humans.

Weather: Lovely these days. BUT! A bit chilly at night.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Burmese, NOT Siamese

One of my human's students asked the other day
if my breed was Siamese.
Close, but no cigar.

Actually, I'm like a "cousin" to this breed; I'm a purebred Burmese. What's the difference? I won't bore you with the details, but we're all part of a larger family of breed called "Orientals" in the cat world. Yes, I antiquated word, but still used to describe: Siamese, Burmese and Tonkinese cats.

Funny thing, before me, my humans DID own a Siamese. His name was Tweak and he had an untimely death due to illness. About one week after he passed away, I joined the family to fill the cat void.
RIP: Tweak

I hope I've been doing a good job... I heard Tweak was a cool cat, although rather skittish because at his previous owners' home, he was attacked by a wild animal and suffered life-threatening injuries. My humans took him in to convalesce, and he led a happy life until it ended.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Finally, She's Home!

You have no idea what a torturous Spring Break I had. My female human was gone all week, so I had to be content with company from only my male human.

He doesn't pay as much attention to me as she does; quite frankly, I was lonely. When she came home, I literally jumped for joy. I promptly woke up from my depressed sleep the minute I heard her voice and welcomed her home with many loud and prolonged meows.

BTW, do you know the cat in this picture?

I'm pretty sure my female human saw many of these during her Spring Break. The Maneki Neko, with its upraised paw, is a symbol of good luck beckoning fortune and wealth. It is often displayed in many Japanese shops.