Monday, August 5, 2013

Bad Manners

My little brother needs to learn better table manners. You can see I'm waiting patiently at the edge of the table while he indulges in my female human's breakfast. Jeez, Winslow, can't you wait to be fed our real food? She just left for a second.

I, on the other hand, have impeccable manners in all respects. I come when called (I prefer the moniker "Kitty" instead of Belial), I sit perfectly balanced on laps, and I never claw at people when I'm angry because, previous owner declawed me. Bummer.

I'll do my best to train my little brother to obey the house rules:
ONLY I CAN GO where is forbidden by the humans!

Weather: August has started off with June Gloom. 
Say whaa~!? I'm sure it will heat up by the end of the month, though.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Long Time No See!

I know, I know. It's been almost two years since I last wrote here. I've been a busy cat lately. In 2012 my humans had health problems, so I had to take care of both of them…THEN most recently a new member was welcomed to our family. 

Please meet my little brother Winslow

 However, there is an even MORE important new friend for this, my "Welcome Back" post. 
Please meet Taggie

Taggie is a beautiful Puggle owned by a BFF of my female human. I haven't met either Taggie or this BFF, but I have heard both of them are beautiful not only on the outside, but the inside as well. Maybe someday they will come to visit me and my little brother.

Weather: Yep, it's summer. 
That means I sleep all day to avoid the heat. 
Not toooo hot yet, but I'm sure August will sock it to us.