Saturday, March 20, 2010

Seriously...It's Good!

From time to time, my pursuits branch beyond napping, blogging, and eating to even reading.

I take a cue from both my humans who always have their noses buried in a book or magazine if they are not playing video games or surfing the Internet. I NEVER see them watch any TV.

In the interest of support, I'd like to give my stamp (paw?) of approval on the latest book my female human recommended in class the other day.

Belial's Best Book: 1984, by George Orwell. It's a brutal vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world that quashes ANY and ALL individual thought.

Quite a creepy tale, and it will leave you down, but it's a classic cautionary tale of what happens when governments assume TOO much control over citizens. Some say it has already come true. Hunh. Read it for yourself and see if you agree.
(ISBN: 0451524934)

Weather: Such a fine weekend. Lots of sun time in the window.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy New Year

One of my human's coworkers told her she would celebrate the new year this weekend.

Wait, wait, wait.
Isn't that January 1st?

Apparently, not in all cultures. March 21st will mark "Nowruz," and my female human has many students and good friends from this area of the world. She hopes that all the people from this corner of the globe will have a happy celebration this weekend.

Weather: Finally, just right. Not too hot or cold.

This CAN'T be right!

I'm a little bit confused about this picture. I know what the guy (second from the right) is, but WHAT is he doing with those meerkats? I don't even think they share the same habitat.

Surely this photo is doctored. I smell a rat...or meerkat, rather. Yes, click on that last link to learn this idiom.

Weather: Quite nice now that temps have dropped. Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I miss my human

My female human has been too busy lately for my tastes. She comes home late, she leaves the house early.

I'm simply not getting enough time with her these days. I hope this coming weekend we can spend some quality time together.

To all her students reading this: you're least she's spending time with you. Me? I'm just alone all day sleeping on the bed or couch. Woe is me.

Weather: Kinda warm, actually.
These are unseasonably high temps for March.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two Peas in a Pod

Shicchan and Junta make quite a cute pair
in this picture, don't you think?

The cat on the left (Shicchan) is owned by my human's best friend from Japan (E). The other cat, Junta, is "on loan" from E's ex-roommate and close friend (S) who had to move back to Japan.

S hopes to come back and get Junta soon! Still, the two kitties have become good friends since S left last November after 10 years living in America. Wanna know something cool? S & E started out in ALP, just like some of my readers.

Although S had to return home for personal reasons, E is now married, permanently living in California, and pursuing a Ph.D. Imagine that. You can achieve your goals while in America. Just think of ALP as your launch pad.

Weather: Hmmm...kind of nice (sunny),
but also kind of cold (windy)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An ALP Success Story

The tallest girl in these pictures used to be an ALP student.

She just graduated from her school in Korea and sent these pictures to prove it. Great job Melody! Cindy and I are very proud of you.

She said she ALREADY has a job. Wow, that's one smart cookie.

Weather: My, my, my. It was, and still is
very windy and chilly today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Up on High

The refrigerator is the best place in the world to survey my surroundings. Also, I love what is sometimes inside: TUNA!

When my female human is in the kitchen, I often climb to the top to supervise. "You should add more salt," or "I think a dash of basil would work" are just some pieces of advice I give to the household chef.

Weather: Clouds on the horizon. Yet more rain?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm NOT paranoid, but...

If you look closely at this picture, you might see something strange. Heeeyyy, what's that guy on the left doing there? I think he's spying on all things cat.

I've blogged before (please read the previous post at this link) how I don't mind dogs, but really, this is ridiculous! Buddy, you'll never be as cool as a cat, so just give up.

Weather: Perhaps, my favorite. SUN!