I take a cue from both my humans who always have their noses buried in a book or magazine if they are not playing video games or surfing the Internet. I NEVER see them watch any TV.
In the interest of support, I'd like to give my stamp (paw?) of approval on the latest book my female human recommended in class the other day.
Belial's Best Book: 1984, by George Orwell. It's a brutal vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world that quashes ANY and ALL individual thought.
Quite a creepy tale, and it will leave you down, but it's a classic cautionary tale of what happens when governments assume TOO much control over citizens. Some say it has already come true. Hunh. Read it for yourself and see if you agree.
(ISBN: 0451524934)
Weather: Such a fine weekend. Lots of sun time in the window.