Sunday, April 11, 2010

Burmese, NOT Siamese

One of my human's students asked the other day
if my breed was Siamese.
Close, but no cigar.

Actually, I'm like a "cousin" to this breed; I'm a purebred Burmese. What's the difference? I won't bore you with the details, but we're all part of a larger family of breed called "Orientals" in the cat world. Yes, I antiquated word, but still used to describe: Siamese, Burmese and Tonkinese cats.

Funny thing, before me, my humans DID own a Siamese. His name was Tweak and he had an untimely death due to illness. About one week after he passed away, I joined the family to fill the cat void.
RIP: Tweak

I hope I've been doing a good job... I heard Tweak was a cool cat, although rather skittish because at his previous owners' home, he was attacked by a wild animal and suffered life-threatening injuries. My humans took him in to convalesce, and he led a happy life until it ended.

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