Thursday, October 13, 2011

A belated thank you!

My female human recently went back to work, and it has been interesting to hear all about her new students. However, I have a late "thank you" to one of her former students.

Check out this cool gift:

It's a mascot! It has my name! It is the coolest gift ever. My female human says she misses that student and hopes that she is doing well.

Weather: Sooooo hot. What's up with the 100+ temps?!


  1. Hello Belial, it's been a long time haven't hear from you! How is you leg?

  2. Hellooo! It's nice to hear from you. My leg is 100% better, and thanks for asking! I guess I just need to take it easier as I get older.

  3. Hi Belial! I went to SF last weekend and I met a lady kitty in my freind's house! She was so cool~~~~ I held her all the time when I was there. It was my first time to hold a kitty after I came to US. Sooo happy~~~~~^~^
