Saturday, October 31, 2009

She's All Mine

My human Cindy seems sad because she can't go trick-0r-treating w/her nephews on account of being sick...well, her cloud is my silver lining. We're going to spend the night on the couch watching scary movies.

My other human hasn't chosen the movie yet, but he's a fanatic of all things Hollywood horror. You should see his DVD collection! So many gory, bloody titles. They're all in good fun, though!

Hope YOU all had a nice Halloween!
Next up: Thanksgiving!

Weather: I can't really decide. Is it cold? Is it warm?
Weird weather patterns these days.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's With the Wind?

I really hope the wind that's been blasting us lately dies down for Halloween. Can you imagine all those pint-sized trick-or-treaters out there with their masks and capes being blown off?!

What would I be for Halloween? Well, I've got my eye on this duck costume. It's pretty cute, right? The only problem is, I don't really like wearing things on my head...

Take a look at my face on this post, and you'll see what I mean!

Weather: Hold on to your hats.
The authorities predict another windy one today.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sometimes I imagine I'm a dog. Even though it's great being a cat, I often display characteristics of being an animal that says "Woof" instead of "Meow."
  • I come when my name is called
  • I play fetch with my toys
  • I beg for food
  • I run to the door when my humans come home
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my feline ways if you paid me. But, still...some days it would be great to look like this:
Then I'd be able to go out for a walk
and get pet by
even more people.

Weather: Kinda warm lately,
but I don't mind as long as the sun shines.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sick Human = Nap Time

I feel really terrible that one of my humans has a cold. I swear I do. But, this means I have someone to nap with during the day. Hooray!

Sorry if this is being self-centered, but it's much better to nap next to a warm human than on the computer chair like I normally do during the long hours my humans are at work.

Why the computer chair? Well, I'm waiting for someone to turn it on so I can blog, of course.

Weather: Very fall-ish. Not too hot, but not too cold.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Tonight is gonna be the cat's pajamas.

My humans are taking an overnight trip, and so I am. They are going to San Diego, but I'm going to grandma & grandpa's house.

I love going to their house. It has two stories, so I get to run up and down the stairs for some excellent exercise. Also, there's more rooms for me to hide in. Which one will it be this visit?!

I can't wait. The only part I don't like about taking an overnight trip is having to go into the cat carrier. Boooooooooooo.
I hate the cat carrier; it usually means a trip to the doctor.

Weather: Warm and sunny. A perfect day to sit in the window.

I don't get it.

Such a study in contrasts...the weather this week, that is.

I started out on Tuesday having to utilize my rain gear like my friend to the left, and now the temps are back up into the 80s. What gives?
I don't get it.

Is it global warming that's
messing with our weather patterns?
I hope not.

Weather: Up, down & all around.
We've had a little bit of everything in the past few days.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Waaaay too Early

On Friday, my humans went shopping at Costco. Of course, they brought me back food & the all-important litter. But I digress.

They told me they saw Christmas decorations...already. Now just wait a minute. My calendar tells me that Halloween hasn't even passed yet.

Then, we've got to get through Thanksgiving...why the rush people?! I think we need to enjoy each day as it passes instead of the hurry-up-and-wait mentality that surrounds holiday celebrations.

Last Xmas, my humans took a small trip to avoid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I wonder if they'll do it again? As long as somebody babysits me while they're away, I don't care!

Weather: Gorgeous, crisp fall mornings and evenings.
Don't forget your sweaters!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Warm Laps, Long Naps

Ahhhhh. It's early (5:39 a.m.-ish), and I'm blogging from the comfort of my human's lap. She says she has to get up and go do school work, but I think she needs to stay right here so I can enjoy her warmth.

Lately, it's been growing chillier, so I've been searching out as many warm places as possible. Laps are always the best. Another one of my favorites includes window sills. Well, it looks like she's gonna get up and go do that "work" she's talking about, so I'll pick up later.

Weather: Yes! Chilly mornings help me appreciate the sun.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beauty Sleep

This weekend, my Taiwanese girlfriend is coming to visit. When she comes, I know I'll get a good brushing, plus plenty of play time.

Therefore, I must rest to prepare for entertaining her tomorrow night. See me over there in the bed? I look tired, right? I know, I know. Cats already sleep enough. Still, I want to look my best for her visit.

In this picture, I'm on my human Cindy's side of the bed. That's my favorite place to sleep at night: right next to her on her pillow. Sometimes she complains because then she wakes up with a mouth full of cat fur, but I think that's a small price to pay for the cuddling company of someone as wonderful as moi.

Weather: Mornings and evenings definitely a bit chillier.
Here comes fall!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Favorite Month

Many people associate October with the fall harvest, or even Halloween on the final day of the month.

Not me! October is the month when we celebrate and honor black cats the world over. Black cats often get a bad rap because of many superstitions, but they're actually quite cute! There's nothing "bad luck-ish" about them.

Does your country have a negative superstition about black cats? America sure that's why it's confusing to me that Halloween decorations are covered with these guys. Talk about a mixed message.

Anyway, welcome to October, the best month of the year, for the best reason: Black Cats!

Weather: Santa Anas in true form yesterday.
It was soooo dry, so I drank a lot of water. You should, too!