Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Usually I'm all "bah-humbug" around the holidays, but I couldn't resist posting a pic of my friend who DOES have the holiday spirit.

This is Shicchan, the beloved pet of my #1 girlfriend from Japan. Shicchan sure looks cute playing Santa.

What about you? Have you been enjoying the pre-Christmas happenings? Shopping? Wrapping? Stressing?

Don't worry, it'll all be over soon and then you can start with...New Year's Resolutions!

Weather: Actually been pretty nice
except for the spell of rain earlier this week.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's easy being brown.

What's so great about this guy?

I totally don't get it. My female human was all excited to go see The Muppets earlier today. She should have been cooking turkey instead.

I just can't see why this green character, Kermit, is any better than yours truly. I'm brown and adorable...he's green and adorable. Can't we all just get along?

She said the movie was great. Even better than spending time with me? I think I've got a rival...

Weather: Overcast with a chance of showers. Brrrrrr.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A belated thank you!

My female human recently went back to work, and it has been interesting to hear all about her new students. However, I have a late "thank you" to one of her former students.

Check out this cool gift:

It's a mascot! It has my name! It is the coolest gift ever. My female human says she misses that student and hopes that she is doing well.

Weather: Sooooo hot. What's up with the 100+ temps?!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Last weekend my humans took a trip, and I went to stay at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I usually have a lovely time with them, but when my humans picked me up...they saw that I was limping. Maybe I climbed the stairs @ G-ma/G-pa's too vigorously and hurt my front leg. I dunno.

What I DO know is that I am no longer allowed to use my kitty condo. It is a shame; I had it for less than three months! It has been moved into another room and rests behind the locked door. Oh well, I know my humans don't want me hurting myself by jumping in and out of the penthouse floor.

I saw the vet earlier this week, and he said it looks like a sprain. I got some meds which my humans kindly sneak into tuna every morning! Also, since my female human is on vacation, she has been keeping a watchful eye on me to make sure that I don't climb too high or jump too far. There goes my dream of the 2012 Olympics. London will have to wait.

Weather: It's kinda weird lately. A bit cool.
I guess fall is on its way.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's over?!

Yesterday, my female human finished the first quarter at her new job. When she came home she looked both happy and sad...she always tells me that she will miss her students!

However, I think she should *mostly* be happy because for the next few weeks:
  • We can take lots of naps together
  • We can hang out all day on the couch reading books together
  • We can eat tuna together!
So, I'll do my best to comfort her as she finally has some downtime to catch her breath and, best of all, spend time with me!

Weather: It was pretty hot last week, but now that September's here, it's anybody's guess what the temps will be.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It was my birthday!

Last Wednesday I turned 10 years old. That's like 57 in people years.

I still feel pretty good considering I'm headed toward the twilight of my life.

I hope the next 10 years are full of happiness and fun with both my humans...just like the last five years since I entered their lives.

Oh? You wanna know what I got for my birthday? I'll give you one guess. It's NOT the $ you can see in this picture.
That's right! TUNA.

Weather: Heating up a little bit lately, but still bearable.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Secret Life

My humans are usually gone all day on the weekdays. For me, this means I go exploring around the house. When summer heats up, one of my favorite places to hang out is in the cool porcelain bathtub.

However, I don't like baths. One shot of water from any sink faucet or shower nozzle will send me running.

How about you? How do you cool off in the summer. It's funny, actually summer hasn't been that hot here yet. I'm sure August will bring higher temps.

Weather: Mild days and cool evenings. Perfect.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I still love it.

Just an update about my condominium: It's still great. I can now successfully navigate my way around all three floors, and I especially like the penthouse level where I get a bird's-eye view of my house.

Weather: Not typical for July. Been cool lately.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Nap Time With Mama

Okay, I'll admit it. I call my female human "mama." Please don't make fun of me. It's just that I really appreciate the way she takes care of me like I was her child.

One thing I'm missing with my mama, er...female human, is nap time. During June she was on vacation, and we did A LOT of this:

Now that she's back at work, we can't nap together as often.
I miss her.

Weather: Temperatures steadily soaring upward.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My New Condo

About two weeks ago, my humans hooked me up
with a kitty condominium.

What I really want to know is: What took them so long?!

I love my new condo, and if you ever come to visit, you'll surely find me on one of the three tiers.

Weather: For this 3-day weekend, I heard it's gonna be so hot.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It has been a while since my last post because I have been a bit heartbroken and not feeling like writing. It seems that my beloved Bonsai has a jealous pseudo-paramour.

Please meet: Sigmund Schlomo Furgalore R. the 1st

He cohabitates w/Bonsai and has been upset about my continued requests to meet his housemate. I can't really tell: Are they "just friends"...or something more? No matter the case, I will not give up in my quest to win Bonsai's heart!

Weather: Maaaaan, it's been really hot lately.
This is NOT May weather! Heat, please come back in June.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Please Meet Bonsai

Look at this gorgeous lady. Bonsai, who is loved by a co-worker of my human female, has recently come into my life via online introduction. I wish I could have a chance to meet her because she is just gorgeous, all 14 pounds of her.

Look at the sparkle in her eyes complemented by the dazzling holiday decorations in the background! Behold the tasteful and fashionable collar, worn in celebration!

*Sigh* Bonsai truly is a lovely sight.
Could this be the stirrings of love?

Weather: Pretty warm these days. The sun channel, 24-7.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'll send tuna relief

I have been in absolute shock and total worry since I heard the news from my humans yesterday about the big earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan.

Some of my FAVORITE girlfriends are Japanese, and I hope that they, plus all their family & friends, are okay.

Ya know, in So Cal we have earthquakes, too. I remember last year, on Easter, there was a pretty good one. It was very "rolly" instead of violent & "jolty." I don't like earthquakes at all. For the Easter one, I immediately jet under my humans' bed and stayed there for about an hour.

What time you do think I finally emerged from under the bed?
Of course: dinner time.

Weather: It's been quite lovely here lately. Warm & sunny.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Good Friend

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! You can see here I've cuddled up to one of my best pals, Poopie. Please don't be put off by his name; he isn't messy or smelly!

Poopie and I often hang out on the bed when my humans are at work. He told me he wants a chew toy for V-day, and I, of course, want TUNA.

Weather: Been really warm lately, like in the 80s!
But, I hear rain is coming soon :(

Monday, January 31, 2011

A loooong winter's nap

Oh my goodness. It's been more than a month since I've blogged. You can blame the cold temps and this warm blankie for my absence. That's right...I've just woken up from a long winter's nap.

It's 2011, and I'm ready to go. My holidays were great; I just slept a lot with my female human. She had a month-long vacation and we hung out almost every day.

Now, she's back at work and I miss her very much. I guess I'll have to go back to sleeping by myself all day.

Weather: Brrrr. Cold at night.
I sneak under the covers with my humans almost every evening.